They say you should never room with your best friend…

…but I say they’re wrong!

My best friend Kendra and I share a room together in Voth Hall. We love being roommates and have had zero problems. I can really only think of the benefits of rooming with Kendra — no downfalls have come to mind. We are the type of friends that share everything, so it works out perfectly for us.


Here are just some of the great things about having your best friend as your roommate:

  • One giant shared wardrobe. I think Kendra and I wear something of each other’s almost every day. The only problem is that we don’t know what we are going to do over breaks and over summer!
  • Don’t want that whole bag of popcorn? That’s what I’m here for. We are always sharing food and eating each other’s leftovers. We each have our own food too, but none of it is really owned. Her mac n’ cheese is my mac’n cheese and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
  • 3 a.m. laughing/crying sessions. This is a real thing! We have had times where one of us says something funny and we end up laughing until we can’t breathe. We’ve also had those nights where one or both of us are upset and really just need the other one. That’s one of the best things about having a best friend as a roommate.
  • Honest opinions and advice. I know I can count on Kendra to tell me whether my outfit works or not before I leave the room. I can also depend on her to give me expert advice when I’m stressed or frazzled and just in need of someone to tell me that everything will be all right.


Those are just a few of the countless ways that I’m thankful for having my best friend as my roommate. I know this situation might not work for everyone, but rooming with a good friend might just end up being one of the best things about college. So before you count it out, maybe give it a try.

Thanks, Ken, for being the best friend and roommate I could ask for 🙂
