Harper and Edmond

(Saturday, March 21)

We’ve been on tour now for about a day, and we’ve already given two concerts. This morning we left Kansas, traveled into Oklahoma, and we’re now on our way to Texas.


Over the course of these last 24 hours, I’ve seen a lot of beauty. I’ve seen beauty in the people we’ve met, the conversations I’ve had with people in the choir, the nature we’ve witnessed and the music we make. Several of the songs we are singing express the beauty of nature, something I was reminded of this morning.

Last night, we all stayed with people from the Mennonite church in Harper, Kansas. I was with three other choir members at a lady’s house on a farm.

This morning, we all got up and went out to feed her animals. We were exploring the attic of her barn when an owl flew out from the rafters. Initially, we were all somewhat frightened to be in an enclosed space with an owl, but then I was struck by the beauty of this creature. It was completely white, and as it flew around the barn, we all stared for a few minutes in awe.

As we sang our concert this afternoon in Edmond, Oklahoma, I was reminded of this and other moments of beauty I have witnessed today. The home stays in Harper were a great way to start our trip, and I’m excited for what is to come over the course of the week.

–Olivia Gehring