Senior Year!

Well, here we are already several weeks into this new semester and I am writing my first blog! This describes my senior year so far, busy and going by quickly! I have been a blogger since my sophomore year here at Bethel. I will use this entry to talk a little about myself and what I do here.

My name is Madelyn Weaver and I am a senior from Hesston KS. I am majoring in Social Work with a minor in Management. I am involved in

A bunch of our women’s tennis team enjoying a soccer game!

many activities on campus. I am on the tennis team, a member of the Champions of Character group on campus, I’m in Concert Choir, on Student Senate, a part of the Student Alumni Association (SAA), and a co-coordinator of the Student/Community Action Network (SCAN).

Needless to say, those activities along with the mod of girls that I live with keep me very busy! However, I have really enjoyed the opportunity to be involved in so many activities during my college career. That is the nice thing about attending a smaller, liberal arts college such as Bethel. You don’t have to just choose one or two things to participate in, you can be involved in an array of different activities within different disciplines.




I hope to, with this blog, not only talk about specific events/issues/other random things about Bethel, but also include other recent or upcoming events that are happening at Bethel College.

So, without further ado,

Recent/Upcoming Events:

-The football team has their first home game this Saturday at 7:00pm!

-Volleyball also has home games this Saturday at 12:30pm and 2:00pm!


Events away from “Home”

–  Weekend – long tennis tournament in Nebraska

– Saturday: Soccer at Bacone College

– Saturday: Cross Country at Southern Stampede


Until next time!