Fall Break: Where Has The Time Gone?

I titled my last blog “The Days Go Slow, The Weeks Go Fast…” Again, this couldn’t be more accurate. Not only was I thinking this about Fall Break which has only one more day before school starts up again, but also the fact that our first semester of this school year is already half over!

To recap on this semester so far:

Fun with my mod: Celebrating birthdays, mod movie nights, playing games watching New Girl and Grey’s Anatomy, painting nails and more!

Carnival On The Green: The fun beginning of the school year event with lots of games, foods and prizes! This is where I got three of my Bethel T-shirts, the majority of my plastic dinnerware and my large stash of Kool-Aid Jammers:)

Football/Soccer/Volleyball/Softball Games: Getting to watch and support all of the sports who have games going on in the fall! Also since I am a part of the tennis team we have been helping with the football concession stands which is a lot of work but fun as well!

Tennis Tournaments: We had a few tennis matches this fall even though our actual season isn’t until the spring. It felt like a pretty successful year and we ended it with the ITA which is our regional individual tournament. The individual winners of men’s and women’s singles and doubles get to go to nationals. We had several people in both singles and doubles make it to the quarterfinals and one person make it to the semi’s so it was a very successful tournament!

Taste of Newton: Walking down Main Street there was delicious food, wonderful company, good music and entertainment and more delicious food! (Verenike, bierocks, apple dumplings with ice cream, cherry limeades and more!)

Fall Fest: Chilly weather, friends and family, lots of booths, lots of food including more verenike:), trinkets, photo booth, the play, a volleyball game a football game and more!


What to look forward to:

Fall weather: The weather cooling down, sweatshirts and extra blankets

Fall colors: The leaves changing to beautiful oranges, reds and yellows that are worthy of many pictures.

Bethel Basketball: Watching and cheering on our Men’s and Women’s teams this year!

KU Basketball: Every year during KU basketball season I go home to Hesston watch as many of the games as I can with my parents, sister and Weaver uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents. I also bring whoever of my friends and modmates want to come as well!

Thanksgiving Break: Another break from school, delicious food and good quality time with my family!

Christmas Break: The biggest break from schoolwork:), family, friends, “Christmas goodies” (chocolates, baked goods), hot chocolate, snow, snowmen, presents, lots of family time!

Interterm: Europe: The Concert Choir gets to go on a trip to Europe including Poland, Germany and the Netherlands! We will be gone for three weeks, singing and sightseeing and I can’t wait!