The End has Come!!!…sorta

Well, it has been one whirlwind of a semester (a fact that has resulted in many things falling through the cracks, especially my blog posts)! With the end finally here and only 2 more finals to take, I can’t describe my feelings as anything less than thrilled—thrilled to go home, thrilled to relax, thrilled to move on to something new. It’s at the end of the semester, though, that I can’t help but think about what I’ve experienced and what is to come.

This semester has been a whole new experience for me. I got to take my first upper-level courses and with them write my first research papers (two, in fact, both with a required 10 page minimum—no easy feat on the first go around). I got to participate in Bethel’s ever growing theatre program. I got to know more people, especially people I was too scared (intimidated) to talk to last year. I got to strengthen existing bonds as we got closer and as we learned to cope with a death of a fellow student. I got to experience some of the most moving musical moments in my life to date through the band and concert choir. I moved into the mods. I watched the school open up discussion on the issue of homosexuality in both the church and everyday life. I became mildly addicted to both Mojo’s coffee drinks and Dr. Pepper. I was finally able to share my life here first hand with my parents over Fall Fest. I spent Thanksgiving away from home for the first time ever. As cheesy as it sounds, I grew and these are but a small part of my experience this semester. And it has been so much more. I wouldn’t change my semester for the world.

With all this achieved, I can look forward to next semester and year. I get to go to Africa on an interterm trip led by Bill Eash. (SO EXCITED!!!!). I get to take my first college math class. I get to go on concert choir tour over spring break. I get to play with the wind ensemble at KMEA in February, a Bethel College first. I get to continue the amazing relationships I have established here. I get to participate in all the awesome Bethel traditions that happen in second semester, like Mudslam. I’m taking voice lessons for the first time in my life. All these things and the semester hasn’t even started. All in all, this semester has been great and it leaves me excited to see what the next one holds.