
Becky Reed and I on top of Mount Pichincha.

Hello all. My name is Mayeken (Maya) Irene Kehr and I am currently a junior at Bethel College (By the way, it is really difficult to explain what a threshing stone is to people outside of the midwest.). I am currently studying as an exchange student at La Universidad de San Francisco de Quito in Quito, Ecuador. I am here through Brethren Colleges Abroad, a program that partners with Bethel and many other colleges to provide students the experience of living and studying abroad.I am currently a double major in English education and Spanish. For the past two years, I have been a participant in Bethel’s soccer and tennis teams and last year I was fortunate enough to write for Bethel’s newspaper, The Collegian.I’m not sure what my goals are for this blog, but I hope to share honestly and give you a somewhat accurate picture of what life is like for a Thresher away from the “T-Zone.” If you’ve chosen to read this and choose to continue reading, I can guarantee you some major “street cred” on the third floor of Voth Hall when I return to school next semester.Bienvenidos a mi blog!Maya-don’t-call-me-May-uh-Kehr

Anna Maia and I on the bus during a scavenger hunt around the Centro Histórico in Quito.
Our group won the scavenger hunt. Here we are at the house of our BCA leader, Daniel Bryan.