Bethel is Pretty Funny–Videos Attached!

This year’s spring fling was a rousing success. Last year’s, while fun, wasn’t quite as epic as this year’s. This year we had a full slate of cool events lined up for us. Sunday started off with a talent show, with an emphasis on complete hilarity. Besides showcasing their musical talents (as well as dramatic readings of the sublime poetry that is Friday, by Rebecca Black), these participants chilled, thrilled and titillated our senses of humor with their scintillating musical compositions. Yeah, they were hilarious.Fast forward to this past Saturday night, and events are equally inspired, and hilarious. This was the occasion of the Bubbert’s Awards, those annual awards given to aspiring Bethel College filmmakers. Four entries were created for this year’s lineup, and they were all top-quality. Most of them are findable via youtube; in fact, I included handy-dandy links at the bottom of this post. The winners (photo courtesy of Erin Engle):

The common theme between these entries and the acts in the talent show: high quality and hilarity. I have a renewed healthy respect for the sense of humor cultivated here at Bethel.Here are links to some of the entries at the Bubbert’s Awards: (3rd place) (2nd place)Bubbert’s Films from years past: