Working Woman

I never had a job in high school. I was too busy with activities and my parents kept telling me that I would have plenty of time to work later in life. Knowing that I would no longer have my parents’ money for the necessities of dorm food and movies I decided to get a job in the bookstore.

My two hours a week at the bookstore have so far been extremely entertaining. I get to take the outgoing mail to the post office, stuff students’ mailboxes, answer the switchboard phone, and other random things that Mary and Shirley find for me to do. They know all of Bethel’s secrets and are the people to talk to for many random questions. The bookstore is pretty much the center of everything that happens on campus.

We get all sorts of phone calls at the switchboard. Not many places have a real person answer the phone and people think that we  know all the answers. I took a series of calls from someone who was sure that I would be able to give exact directions to the soccer game in Oklahoma. I didn’t even know there was a soccer game that day. Another person asked Mary if someone they knew was walking across the Green and if she could go outside to check. One of the funniest ones isn’t appropriate enough for me to post but was from someone who thought he was calling the Bethel Clinic instead of Bethel College.

So if you’re ever on campus and don’t know where to go, I would highly recommend visiting Mary and Shirley in the bookstore and stocking up on Bethel gear. This picture is of my friend Ariel modeling some bookstore gear. The jacket is from last year, but the sweats are still available and I would highly recommend them. They’re worth every penny.