where have I been?

Dear readers,I know that you are out there and I know that you are many in number. Probably you read this section of our blog in expectation of gleaning great insight into the world of Bethel College Admissions. However, once again I am going to spare you the sordid details of my working life and focus on one or two highlights of the current fall semester.Travel: This is one of the best parts of my job! For the last 1.5 months or so I have been on the road (not Jack Kerouac style–I get to drive my own vehicle and I avoid mind-altering substances). Did you know that Kansas is really beautiful? This is a discovery that I continually make as I drive to various high schools and college fairs during the fall. I love exploring the back roads and finding alternate routes to places. Note: if all you have ever seen of Kansas is Interstate 70 you will not be impressed. However, if you are willing to exit off of this asphalt obscenity you will discover some of the most beautiful scenery in this country. I travel in northeast Kansas, and there you will find prairies, “flint” hills, wetlands, and of course great big skies. I even took my bicycle along on a recent trip and got some fresh air and physical movement in between college fairs. There are not as many broadleaf trees here as in some places (like my home in Michigan), but this makes me appreciate the fall colors here even more. As I drive I like looking down into the valleys where the giant cottonwoods are turning yellow and giving their leaves to the wind. book recommendation of the week: PrairyErth: A Deep Map, by William Least Heat-Moon. This book is a travel journal of sorts and it is all about Chase County, Kansas. If you like the sort of rambling above then you might consider this book. “But don’t take my word for it…*bah-dump-dump!*” (Reading Rainbow–anyone? anyone?) Now I am back in the office for awhile and settling into my oversized desk chair. This is the season for campus visitors, so I will be having more and more prospective students coming to get a feel for Bethel. I like having people come visit because this is a good place to be…Don’t you think?